Just me & You Games
Just me & you games
Start here: Model words like MORE, GO, FAST, SLOW, STOP, HOLD, WOAHHH
Phrases to use: Make it go fast, Let’s do it again
Bouncing on Lap
Can be done sitting on a floor or bed with child facing you
Start here: Model words like UP, DOWN, MORE, AGAIN, GO, FAST, SLOW, STOP, HOLD, WOAHHH
Phrases to use: Make it go fast, Let’s do it again
Flying Games (gently tossing child onto couch or bed)
Start Here: Model words or short combos like GO, UP, WOAH, AHHHHH, BYE, DOWN
Phrases to use: See ya later!, Get out of here,
Start here: Model words like OPEN, AHHH, BYE,
Phrases to use: Where’d you go? I can’t find it,